THE ART OF TIME NOW | Remakes of the Classic Chinese Calligraphy Timepiece by Alan Chan

Infused with Alan Chan’s signature ‘Oriental Passion Western Harmony’ design philosophy, Seiko Japan ‘The Magic of Chinese Calligraphy’ clock in limited edition created a whirlwind in 1998. In continuation to this classic design, ALAN CHAN CREATIONS recreates and perpetuates this modest yet modish look in ‘NOW’ timepiece. The first launch was in January 2018 in Daikanyama TSUTAYA BOOKS, Tokyo, Japan.


陳幼堅 (ALAN CHAN) 設計作品以獨特的「東情西韻」風格著稱,自 1998 年與日本 SEIKO 精工鐘錶合作推出一款限量的書法時鐘,立即吸引不少粉絲搶購收藏。為了能讓經典設計延續,陳幼堅及其設計團隊於 2018 年起全新推出 ALAN CHAN CREATIONS 的腕錶系列,其中重現經典的復刻版《當下》腕錶 (NOW timepiece) 款,已於 2018年1 在東京蔦屋書店 (TSUTAYA BOOKS) 率先發表。

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